
Taking some time off.

Hi. If you’re reading this, thanks for checking in on me. 😍

Everything is alright. I simply need a break from social media. Being vulnerable about my Scientology upbringing has brought such joy and beauty into my life, but it comes with an emotional and physical toll.

The online community, including SPTV on youtube, has been a blessing in many ways. This kind, generous and accepting community made me feel accepted from day one and has brought me so much joy!

The problem is, I got sidetracked.

I started my social media (on Tiktok) as a way to introduce myself to the world as an author, an artist and an activist. I started making videos on Youtube last summer at the debut of my first book, and my life has changed a lot since then.

I have had opportunities to travel, gear up, share my art, and be heard by people across the world. When difficult decisions were made, the community supported me in ways I couldn’t have imagined possible. I’m still in shock over this, tbh, and the overwhelming support has made me cry on multiple occasions for the surprising goodness in the world.

So why’d I run away?

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you’re just done? A throw in the towel, sleep for a year kind of week? That was my last week online. I created two intense emotional videos which each took a toll on their own. I brought my family closer to the limelight than I have ever felt comfortable doing, receiving online trolling and obsession while simultaneously receiving massive positive support.

It was a lot.

And then…

In a series of bizarre and serendipitous events – after almost 25 years – the universe decreed it was finally time to scatter my deceased brother’s ashes. I’ll likely never truly be able to tell the full story of this last weekend, especially publicly online, but it has moved me deeply.

It was the catalyst for change; a sign that I need to slow down, grieve and process.

I need to replenish my energy and refill my cup ☕️

For now, I feel that – in some strange way – if my videos were still out there, playing in real-time, a bit of my energy is still on the loose. Many cultures believe that photographs steal a tiny bit of your soul. They might be right about that. It’s something that resonates with me.

So, for now, I have shut off my social media. I can’t say for how long, but I need to level-up in some areas, clarify my goals, and amplify my creativity.

I may post here from time to time, because I’ve had this blog forever and it’s my own special little world. I’m a writer at heart and I’ve missed expressing myself with the written word as often as I used to.

I’ll see you again soon, don’t worry.

For now, let’s both take care of ourselves. 💕
